Construction Camp

The project construction camp, with an capacity to house hundreds of on-site workers required to build the generating station, opened in 2008-09. The camp included:
- Dormitory living quarters
- Kitchen and dining facilities
- A commissary, restaurant and lounge
- Chapel
- Recreation complex (full-size gymnasium, racquetball courts, weight and exercise room, pool tables, cable television and high-speed internet rooms)
- Baseball diamond, soccer field and outdoor skating rink
- On-site recreation coordinators
- Fire hall and fire truck
- Water and sewer treatment facilities
Electrical power was supplied to the camp from Thompson via a 45-kilometre transmission line. Fibre optic cable was used for high-speed Internet, telephone, and cable TV for camp residents.
Following construction most of the camp was removed except for a some dormitory units and a reconfigured kitchen/dining facility to house operations staff until a staff house is built. The remainder of the site has been restored to its natural condition.
Life at Camp

"General Rules for the Wuskwatim Job Site" Handbook [850 KB PDF ]
Below is a copy of the Construction Camps – Environmental Protection Plan (Aski Ketaphchikewe Othaschikekwin) and Field Guide (2006) which outlines measures taken to ensure its environmental impact was as small as possible.
Click to view or download: Construction Camps – Environmental Protection Plan (Aski Ketaphchikewe Othaschikekwin) and Field Guide (2006) [1.5 MB PDF]