
Building the Wuskwatim generating station required hundreds of skilled workers to successfully complete the project over its six-year construction period.

WPLP had no direct role in project training. To ensure economic benefits were distributed widely and equitably, particularly for NCN Citizens and residents of the Nelson House Northern Affairs Community, training initiatives were put in place to help qualify workers for the project.   Some initiatives were designed specifically for northern Aboriginals.

Initiatives for Training Aboriginal Manitobans

To prepare Aboriginal people for jobs on the Wuskwatim Project, a special multi-million-dollar training initiative known as Hydro Northern Training and Employment Initiative (HNTEI) was created and had been ongoing since 2003. The program was administered by the Wuskwatim and Keeyask Training Consortium Inc.

The program was designed to train northern Aboriginal residents for skilled-labour positions on both the Wuskwatim and Keeyask generating stations.

Training Opportunities for NCN Members

As a partner in the Wuskwatim project, provisions were negotiated to ensure NCN Citizens were provided with the skills necessary to qualify for employment on the project so NCN could take maximum advantage of hiring preferences for its people. Beginning in 2003, The Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence (ATEC) was established in Nelson House to deliver training, in anticipation of project approval. ATEC's purpose-built facility opened in May 2006. NCN Citizens living in Nelson House or outside the community who were interested in training for the project could contact ATEC directly.